Settling in with a new puppy, or fostering a furfriend, here are some of our best tips on how to make your Thanksgiving perfect!

Who Let the Dogs Out? You!
In addition to that scrumptious feast, Thanksgiving is a time for families to get together, and of course that includes our dogs!
If you're expecting lots of guests this year, you may be tempted to keep your furry relatives in another room. But! Since they like to socialize, dogs can get stressed if kept away from all the hub-bub and fun!
Keep in mind when and where your pet might feel most a ease, too. Watching the big game? Sounds like prime couch-cuddling time. Frantically cooking that turkey for the fifth hour in a row? Maybe not the best place for a pup underfoot. Family members big and small can take a walk through the fall colors or toss around a football all together in the backyard!
From designated playtime to special holiday-inspired treats, follow these tips so your pets can feel safe to enjoy Thanksgiving with you this year!
Nice to Make Your Acquaintance!
Are your fur-relatives meeting their less hairy counterparts? Meeting new people can be stressful for anyone and our pets feel no differently. Maybe you've got an aunt who's not a big fan of the those who woof with pride, or maybe you've got a pup who's not a big fan of overly-perfumed aunts! But have no fear!
Since the best way to introduce yourself to new people isn't one-size-fits-all, what matters here is your pet's unique traits: from history, to personality, to general temperament. Trust yourself!
And then let your guests know the best way to approach your four-legged family members - this is especially important with kids. This will help put everyone at ease, woofers and aunts alike.

We're Here for the FOOD
Here's a quick list of what pups can and cannot eat from your Turkey-Day feast
NO - fruitcake
NO - pumpkin pie
NO - chocolate
NO - cooked turkey; the fatty skin and spices cause upset tummies
YES- raw green beans; no g. b. casserole
YES - raw carrots; no carrot cake
YES - raw apples; no apple pie
YES - plain, cooked sweet potato; no s. w. casserole
YES - rolls
YES - raw cranberries
NO - garlic or onion powder
Remember to treat you pet in moderation and, if you're ever unsure about what's safe to share, check with your vet to get the all-clear or the steer-clear.
Try one of our favorite dog-approved Thanksgiving treats: Cranberry biscuits
No matter what your Thanksgiving has in store, we hope these tips will help you and your furfriend have a fun and safe holiday. Here's to a terrific Turkey-Day!

And please don't forget to wear your masks. Let's all have a safe Thanksgiving!
Check out the CDC recommendations for this unique year's T-day.
Published as part of our latest e-newsletter, The Pyr Review: Thanksgiving Edition.
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